uses に ActiveX, ComObj, ShlObj を追加する必要があるので忘れず追加!
///ショートカットの作成 /// ショートカットのファイル名 /// コマンドライン文字列(ファイル名) /// コマンドライン文字列(引数) /// 作業場所文字列(引数) /// 説明文字列 function CreateShortCut(const ShortcutPath: String; const ExecFilePath: String; const Params: String; const WorkingDir: String = ''; const Description: String = ''): Boolean; var ShellLink: IShellLink; PersistFile: IPersistFile; {$IFDEF Unicode} FileName: String; {$ELSE} FileName: WideString; {$ENDIF} begin // Create shell link object // Get IShellLink/IPersistent inferface ShellLink := CreateComObject(CLSID_ShellLink) as IShellLink; PersistFile := ShellLink as IPersistFile; // Set path to shell link ShellLink.SetPath(PChar(ExecFilePath)); // Set arguments to shell link ShellLink.SetArguments(PChar(Params)); // Set description string ShellLink.SetDescription(PChar(Description)); // Set working directory ShellLink.SetWorkingDirectory(PChar(WorkingDir)); // Set location (path and index) of the icon ShellLink.SetIconLocation(PChar(ExecFilePath), 0); // Save to file FileName := ShortcutPath; {$IFDEF Unicode} Result := Succeeded(PersistFile.Save(PChar(FileName), True)); {$ELSE} Result := Succeeded(PersistFile.Save(PWChar(FileName), True)); {$ENDIF} end;